OpenESB - Getting Started

This getting started guide shows how to install Jbi4EJB and a sample service assembly in OpenESB, using the Jbi4EJB component. Notice that this component is tested also with Servicemix 3.1.

Integration Scenario

Environment setup

Installing and starting Jbi4EJB Binding Component

Creating a service assembly

Deploying a service assembly

Integration Scenario

A binding component using Jbi4Ejb exposes on the internal BUS an external service provided by a stateless session EJB. The EJB must be deployed on an Application Server and be reachable through a corbaname (according to the requirements). In the following sample we use OpenESB (included in Glassfish v2).

Thus the integration scenario is shown in the following figure:

Integration Scenario.

Environment setup

Install the Netbeans 5.5 or the Netbeans 6.0 (or newer) IDE and the NetBeans Enterprise Pack. When installing the Enterprise Pack, select to install also the Sun Java System Application Server 9 (that contains OpenESB).

Installing and starting Jbi4Ejb Binding Component

Download the Jbi4Ejb component. Install and start the component using the contextual menu on the server JBI module.

Install the Jbi4Ejb component

After these operations if the compoenet is correctly started, you can deploy a Service Assembly that uses the Jbi4Ejb component.

The Jbi4Ejb component correctly started

Creating a service assembly

A service assembly is a deployable item that configures one or more endpoint inside a JBI ESB. We are going set up a configuration that take an EJB service and expose it a SOAP/HTTP Webservice. The configuration is shown in the following figure:

An EJB service exposed as a SOAP/HTTP Webservice.

The Jbi4Ejb component creates an internal (i.e. visible inside the ESB) endpoint. This internal endpoint is exposed as an external endpoint with the Http-Soap Binding Component. The http component will proxy the incoming externall calls to the internal endpoint exploiting the JBI routing mechanisms.

A Service Assembly (SA) is a zip file containing one or more Service Unit (SU) file, each Service Unit defining one or more endpoint. We need two endpoint so we're going to configure two SUs:

  • Jbi4EjbSU containing the definition for the Jbi4Ejb endpoint.
  • HttpSU containing the definition for the http endpoint.

Jbi4Ejb service unit

A Jbi4Ejb service unit must have the layout:

+- <SERVICE_WSDL.wsdl>
      +- jbi.xml


  • The SERVICE_WSDL.wsdl contains the interface declaration. For this component, is the EJB remote interface expressed in WSDL.
  • The jbi.xml contains the provided endpoint declaration.

The SERVICE_WSDL.wsdl can be generated using the Netbeans plug-in or the command-line tool. This WSDL is extended using the Jbi4Ejb extensions (see the WSDL Extensions guide for the details) which express:

  • The ORB parameters to use to connect with the EJB
  • The EJB corbaname (that depends from the Application server where the beans are deployed, see the configuration guide for the supported Application Servers).
  • The serialization UID for the value objects, return type and exceptions. Using the Netbeans plug-in or the command-line tool the UID are automatically generated in the WSDL.

    For example, the WSDL can have this form:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" 
      <wsdl:message name="getUserProfileResponse">
      <wsdl:portType name="<SERVICE_INTERFACE>">
      <wsdl:binding name="TestComplexSessionRemoteBinding" type="tns:TestComplexSessionRemote">
                    <imolaejb:property name="org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass" value=""/>
      <wsdl:service name="<SERVICE_NAME>">
        <wsdl:port name="<ENDPOINT_NAME>" binding="tns:TestComplexSessionRemoteBinding">
                    <imolaejb:address name="corbaname:iiop:" 
            <imolaejb:serialVersionUID className="it.imolinfo.test14.complex.UserProfile" UID="8891581763048162223"/>
            <imolaejb:serialVersionUID className="it.imolinfo.test14.complex.UserProfileException" UID="-5706164759540452783"/>

    The jbi.xml must have the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi xmlns="" version="1.0">
      <services xmlns:jbi4corba-test="<SERVICE_NAMESPACE>"

    This configuration specify that the Service Unit is a Binding Component.

    Zip all the files in the specified layout and name the archive

Http service unit

A http service unit using the OpenESB http soap binding component (named sun-http-binding in the open-jbi-components bundled with Netbeans 6) must have the following layout:

+- <SERVICE_WSDL.wsdl>
      +- jbi.xml


  • SERVICE_WSDL contains the wsdl definition of the proxied internal service.
  • The jbi.xml defines with endpoint is consumed by teh http service unit.

the jbi.xml has the following content:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <jbi xmlns="" 
                xmlns:ns1="<SERVICE_NAMESPACE>" version="1.0">
                <services binding-component="true">


  • SERVICE_NAMESPACE is the service namespace as defined in the Jbi4Ejb su's jbi.xml
  • SERVICE_NAME is the consumed service name.
  • ENDPOINT_NAME is the consumed service endpoint name
  • SERVICE_INTERFACE is the consumed service interface

Zip all the files in the specified layout and name the archive

The service assembly

The service assembly is unit of deployable configuration in JBI, in our example it has the following layout:

      +- jbi.xml


  • and are the previously created service units.
  • jbi.xml is the service assembly deployment descriptor.

The jbi.xml has the following format as described in the JBI Specification:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<jbi xmlns="" version="1.0">      






  • SA_NAME is the name of the service assembly for documentation purposes.
  • SA_DESCRIPTION is the service assembly desription for documentation purposes.
  • SU1_NAME and SU2_NAME are the service units names for documentation purposes.
  • SU1_DESCRIPTION and SU2_DESCRIPTION are the service units description for documentation purposes.

Notice that the BC filenames ( and are specified with the respective component (Jbi4Ejb and SUN-HTTP-BINDING). Zip all the files in the specified layout and name the archive (the archive name is not important).

Deploying a service assembly

In NetBeans, with the server started, select from "Service Assemblies" the "Deploy New Service Assembly" option.

Deploy the Service Assembly

If the Service assembly is correctly deployed, then you can start it. When the SA is starting, the EJB referred must be reacheable. If this is not true, the SA start fails.

If the Service Assembly starts correctly, you should see both the SU running

The Service Assembly correctly started

Now you can test the service assembly sending a SOAP message to the HTTP endpoind (the service address is specified in the SERVICE_WSDL.wsdl description inside the